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Showing posts from October, 2024

Steal this Encounter: Highway Robbery

*These are the notes for a game I ran at Gamehole Con 11. It was written for 6 Dwellers at Level 8.* The Dwellers learn that the King's caravan is making its way nearby. It already has a substantial haul, but is far from full. This is a chance to disrupt King's Sitric plans and make some quick money. It's a straightforward heist. The players have about 8 hours before the caravan passes through this area. # Setting The caravan will be passing over a bridge this evening. It and the surrounding areas are described here. ## A bridge between worlds The bridge is little more than an old stone archway. The road is just wide enough for a single wagon to cross at a time. The river below runs through a gulch with steep, muddy sides, tangled with roots. Looking upstream from the bridge, the river is little more than shallow, rocky creek. The water rushes with great speed but is little more than a few inches deep. Downriver is an entirely different story. The water rushes just as qu