The social combat rules introduced in *The Children of Eriu* bring the same mechanical depth I love in the base game to the social sphere. I am always excited by alternatives to the traditional skill based approach of most other RPGs. That said, social combat was a point of difficulty for me and my players when we first encountered it. The system is innovative, but it requires a mindset shift, too. So what's the real payoff here? This subsystem is wildly different from approaches in other traditional RPGs, so what's the point? Why go through all this trouble? For me, it's the same value we get from having rigorous mechanical combat rules. Rules for physical combat provide a consistent method to determine when a character is hit, harmed, or killed during the course of play. Likewise, characters may find themselves on the ropes, socially speaking. A character may yield information they hadn't intended to. No one can always keep a cool head. Characters may find themselv...