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Encounters for Imbolc and Spring

In many RPG campaigns, GMs use random tables based on the local terrain. Ireland is beautiful, but the land is not varied to the extent we see in more fantastical settings. I've had success altering my encounter tables with the season. Aside from varying the encounters, it provides players a concrete feeling of time's progression. This helps reinforce that the world is dynamic. Today is Imbolc! This Celtic holiday marks the cultural start of spring. It is associated with the Celtic goddess Brigid. Here are some themes surrounding the holiday and Irish late winter/early spring. ### Lambs, Birth, and New Life Sheep, cattle, and all manner of animals give birth at this time. All manner of festivals across Europe celebrate this time of year for that reason. Imbolc is one of these. It only makes sense that such life will be encountered in the broader world over the coming months. If you've ever wanted to run an encounter of cute baby animals, this is it. ### Coming of Age for ...
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